Family Ministry

God loves your kids and so do we! 

We count it a privilege to play a supportive role in helping you to raise your children in the Lord. Among the most important things we do as a church is to disciple the next generation in the truth about Jesus Christ. The following core beliefs help us to keep this goal always before us: 

  1. Our children are gifts from God. 
  2. Our children are sinful and need a Savior. 
  3. Our children can grow in grace and serve others for God's glory. 

We're committed to serving families and their children because in teaching the next generation about the greatness of God, we make God look great!


We teach our children what we treasure.


At C3 we are committed to helping parents teach and model God's truth. Effective training in the home comes from parents who have God's Word on their hearts. We partner together, family-to-family, to bring up our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, and by a pure and loving example to seek the salvation of our family and friends. 

Since God first holds parents responsible to teach their children, Crosstrainers children's ministry is structured to assist parents in this role, not to take it from them.